Children from Years 5 and 6 returned from an action-packed, three day residential to London and Paris. The children set off bright and early from school, taking the mini-buses to Durham Station, where they excitedly boarded their train bound for the capital.
The children made full use of the London Underground and headed straight for the Harry Potter studios where they experienced a magical time. After a good night’s sleep, the children made their way to the St. Pancras Station and set off on the journey to Paris. Using the Paris Metro, the children then headed straight for the Eiffel Tower and took in the brilliant views from 300m up!
After refuelling in TGI Fridays, the children then had fantastic seats for the incredible musical, Mary Poppins - what a show! Day three saw the children experience the world-famous Pineapple Dance Studios for a lesson from Mary Poppins cast members before making their way back home for a well-deserved rest. The children were absolutely amazing throughout the visit - a real credit to themselves and the school. A huge thank you and well done to everyone involved - what an amazing three days!