Information for Parents/Carers
Attendance and Absence
Our school is passionate about ensuring that pupils come to school and have excellent attendance. However, we also appreciate that sometimes children are not well enough to come to school.
As a school, we are guided by health experts as to what is an appropriate time for a child to be off school with or following an illness. Please click on the link below for further information.
We expect each child to attend school every day unless they are ill. Please inform us of any absence from school on the morning of the first day of absence – please contact the school office (on 0191 917 2999 or via email by 9:00 a.m. to leave a message with the staff or on our answer phone.
We need to know why your child will not be at school so please remember to tell us what the reason is. Please contact the school every day until your child returns to school. It is of vital importance that you contact us as part of our safeguarding culture of vigilance – this is to ensure that your child’s whereabouts are known and they are safe.
If we fail to hear from parents/carers we will contact you on the first day of absence. If we have been unable to gather adequate reason or contact parents/carers school, staff may make a home visit or in some cases request for a safe and well check to be carried out by Northumbria Police.
More Information
School Holidays
Click on the link below to download the Sunderland School Holiday arrangements for 2022-23 and 2023-24.
School Opening Hours
School opens at 8.50am and closes at 3.15pm each day.
Total opening time is 32 hours and 5 minutes.
Click below to view/download details relating to the ordering of school uniform. Follow the link below to view our school page on their website.
Please try to take holidays during the school holiday periods. If this is not possible, please arrange a meeting with Mr Iveson via the school office.
No holidays taken without prior permission from the Governing Body will be authorised.