Our Governors
The purpose of the Governing Body of Bernard Gilpin Primary School is to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. It’s three core strategic functions are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Elected Members - Local Authority Governors
Mr Alan Hennis - Chair of Governors
- Personnel Committee (Chair)
- Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee (Vice-Chair)
- Performance Management Governor
- Complaints Committee (Chair)
- Safer Recruitment Link Governor
- Pupil Discipline Committee (Chair)
- Science Link Governor
- SFVS Link Governor
- SEND Link Governor
Appointed 11.07.22 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business Interests: None
Co-opted Members
Maurice Hepworth - Vice Chair of Governors
- Personnel Committee
- Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee (Chair)
- Performance Management Governor
- PSHE Link Governor
- R.E. Link Governor
- Health and Safety Link Governor
- Complaints Committee
- Governors' Association
Appointed 13.03.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business Interest: MH Coaching and Leadership Consultancy
Mrs Viv Coy
- Personnel Appeals Committee
- Complaints Committee
- English Link Governor
Appointed 13.03.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business Interests: None
Mr Nick Page
- Safeguarding Link Governor
- Personnel appeals committee
- Pupil Premium Link Governor
Appointed 11.07.22 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: Governor of Beaconside Primary School, Clifton Primary School, Milburn Primary School and Queen Elizabeth Grammar School.
Mrs Victoria Winlow
Appointed 06.12.21 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Professor Michael Jopling
- Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee
Appointed 22.05.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Mr Peter Iveson
- History Link Governor
- Geography Link Governor
Appointed 13.03.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business Interests: Wife employed at the school.
Mrs Kay Jenkins
Appointed 13.03.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Staff Governors
Mr Andrew Bainbridge (Headteacher)
- Personnel Committee
- Finance and Premises Committee
Pecuniary/Business Interests: Wife and brother are both employed at the school
Mrs Jacqui Burnett
- Art Link Governor
- Music Link Governor
- MFL Link Governor
Appointed 06.12.21 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Parent Governors
Mrs Victoria Hepworth
- Maths Link Governor
- Music Link Governor
Appointed 28.04.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Mr Steven Young
- Computing Link Governor
Appointed 28.04.23 for 4 years
Pecuniary/Business interests: None
Clerk to the Governing Body
William Harrison (Governor Support Team - Together for Children)
Governors believe it is important that Governing Boards reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.
The Board collects data on the diversity of the Board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. That data is used to inform recruitment and training needs, accessibility and to ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.
Due to our relatively small Board we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.