Residential Visits

Boggle Hole

A large number of Year 4, 5 and 6 children recently experienced a two day residential at the amazing Boggle Hole, near Whitby. The children set off on their journey in great spirits, despite the best efforts of the weather which was rather inclement to say the least!

On arrival, the group headed down into the cove at Boggle Hole, where they took part in a rock pooling session, unearthing several curious creatures. The children also investigated the hole itself in which the ‘Boggle’ is rumoured to live - they retold the story of this curious creature emerging at night to either help or hinder people depending upon its mood!

After a delicious evening meal and a good night’s sleep in the nautical themed accommodation, the children set off on a walk nearby Robin Hood’s Bay, where they visited some unique shops including a dinosaur fossil shop. The group were a credit to the school throughout the visit and an amazing time was had by all - well done to everyone involved!

Visit Photos

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