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Ethos, Values and Virtues

Our School Virtues

At Bernard Gilpin Primary School, our ten school virtues are at the heart of our learning culture. We believe that these virtues are essential in developing well rounded individuals.

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Bernard Gilpin Primary School

British Values statement


Bernard Gilpin Primary School promotes the basic British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.


Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs


Mutual respect is at the heart of our school. Children learn that their behaviour can have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community are entitled to be treated with respect. We want the children at Bernard Gilpin Primary School to be global citizens and give them the knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts and institutions necessary to become informed, active and responsible citizens.


We want them to realise that similar situations and issues appear in schools around the world. We expect children to understand how they need to take responsibility for their learning and together we can make a difference but the actions of one person can change things for many. We want children to have informed opinions.


Our annual Multicultural Week celebrates different cultures from all around the world. The children study the traditions, cuisines, music, art, and beliefs associated with a particular faith and visit a range of places of worship to further their understanding of different religions that are practised here in the UK.


We also believe children will only have mutual respect and tolerance for others if it is self-promoted and also promoted throughout their community. We encourage mutual respect and tolerance through:


  • Practice of the school virtues “Self-control” and “Fortitude”

  • Multi-faith assemblies

  • Each child is a member of a house team and works to obtain points for their house

  • Involvement in community events

  • Celebrating key national and international events such as Remembrance Sunday, anti-bullying, Safer Internet Day and also learn about other key faith events such as Eid and Ramadan

  • Celebrating success during our Dream, Believe, Achieve assemblies.


Rule of Law


The importance of having rules is stressed daily, so that our school is a calm and safe place to be. Pupils are taught the values and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. These are some of the ways that this is implemented within school:


  • Practice of the school virtue “Justice”

  • Consistent behaviour system

  • Rewards

  • Classroom rules

  • Assemblies – PSHE assemblies

  • Meetings with parents/carers

  • We always have and continue to work closely with the local Police to help reinforce this message

  • The teaching of the children’s ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ as British citizens during PSHE lessons




Children are encouraged to understand the democratic process and to understand they have a voice and their opinions matter, as do the opinions of others. We encourage an understanding of democracy through:

  • Practice of the school virtue “Integrity”

  • Our School Council (including the application process for members)

  • School ethos - treating everyone the same linked to behaviour system

  • Giving children a voice e.g. school council, questionnaires, (including on consultations for the whole community e.g. school improvements)

  • Pupil questionnaires seeking their views on subjects, school life and the impact of interventions

  • Celebrating ‘Pupil Voice Week’ annually 




Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for children to make choices safely through the provision of a safe environment and a varied and creative education. Some examples are as follows:

  • Practice of the school virtue “Positive attitude”

  • Behaviour system

  • Differentiation within lessons

  • Teaching of on-line safety

  • Wide choice of extra-curricular clubs to pursue interests

  • Educational visits and residentials

  • Teaching of how to make healthier and safer choices during PSHE lessons





June 2022


Bernard Gilpin Primary School

Hall Lane


Tyne & Wear




Phone - 0191 917 2999


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© 2023 by Bernard Gilpin Primary School.

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